Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A new sandbox and a great deal at Target!

Alexis got her new sandbox tonight and loves it! I on the other hand I have learned that a sand box is messy. But as long as she is having fun it is worth it. We also had dinner with some friends tonight and it was very good food.
I am also excited about the deal I got at Target today! My "partner in crime", I mean friend Heather, and I are learning the fine art of coupon cutting. And we have taken coupon cutting to the extreame. Usually getting items for free or a fraction of the actual cost. It takes very little time, just some planning and organizing before going to the store. It is a skill worth learning and I am glad to have a great friend to learn with.


  1. Did you get the sand at Lowes? WE have the exact same sandbox. :) My kids LOVE it!

  2. Yeah we got it at Lowes. I got the sandbox online and it was delivered last night.

  3. Yeah... I'm having a hard time with our sandbox. Thomas eats sand. YUCK!! You have a much nicer one than ours. Those pics are amazing! You look really pretty!!

  4. We are lucky and ALexis does not eat sand, atleast not yet.
